Executive Summary
Finding 1
Nigeria is presently witnessing a massive brain drain. In addition to those who have already fled either legally or otherwise, over 6 out of 10 of those in the country’s active population would do so if they had the chance.
Finding 2
Several reasons are given for wanting to flee the country. 7 out of 10 would do so because of the dire economic or security reasons or a combination of these. Religious intolerance is cited by only 8% as a principal reason.
Finding 3
Nearly 6 out of 10 of those wishing to leave the country are below the age of 40. While most of those below this age would leave for economic reasons, those above 60 would do so mostly for security reasons.
Finding 4
Those wishing to flee are mostly men. They are nearly twice as many as the women harbouring the same desire. This is reversed with age. Over the age of 60, there are twice as many women as men wanting to flee.
Finding 5
A large percentage of those wishing to leave are from the southern states of the country. This peaks at nearly 80% in Ogun State. This contrast with just 6% in Yobe. Middle belt states fall within a range of 40 to 50%.
Finding 6
Nearly 8 out of 10 people with a doctorate degree level education would like to flee. More than half of these expressed interest in going to Canada. 75% of those in the medical profession would prefer to go to the UK.
Finding 7
About one third of those with low/basic education wish to leave Nigeria. Unlike the highly educated people, nearly 90% of these would like to go to the UK. There are twice as many educated women as men that would choose the UK.
Finding 8
The medical profession has the highest number of would-be migrants. Nearly 8 out of 10 would leave if they were able to. The profession with the least interest in leaving is politics. Less than 1 out of 10 would consider leaving the country.
Finding 9
The destination most preferred by would-be migrants is the UK. Nearly 4 out of every 10 would choose this destination. This is followed by the 22% who would go to the USA. Only 6% would go to another African country.