A Broken Nation
Nigeria as a nation was built on a false foundation. It was a forced marriage of people from different ethnic groups. People that had nothing in common other than the colour of their skin. It was administered by a colonial master that faked the first population figures and rigged the first elections in favour of an ethnic group that would make it possible for them to continue to rule and exploit Nigeria by proxy. Despite the wrong footing of the nation, it has now had more than sixty years of independence. Enough time for its leaders to have put the house in order. Sadly, the country has been ruled almost through the whole of the time, mostly by criminals who totally destroyed it. Below are the highlights of how we got to where we are today. .
Government based on illegal and invalid constitution
Nigeria is being governed under an illegal constitution which was imposed on the nation without due process and with absolutely no consultation with the people. The objective was to erase the federal nature of the country and concentrate power in the hands of the minority in the north, who control the military.
Government that sponsors terrorism
The insecurity witnessed in the country directly results from a state sponsor of terrorism by the president and his Fulani tribe. The world watches in disbelief as mass-kidnapping take place so frequently in the country. The president imported terror into Nigeria from neighbouring countries as part of the grand plan of a Fulani take-over of the whole of Nigeria.
Government headed by a tribalist and nepotist
The Nigerian president believes that the country belongs to him and his nomadic Fulani tribe which makes up just about 10% of the total population of the country. This minority tribe alone controls 80% of the highest government posts, and controls the military. The Fulani tribal leaders have openly boasted that every part of the country belongs to them.
Government of insensitive leaders
Nigerian political elites in all regions are insensitive to the pains and suffering of the people. They looted the treasuries and laundered the loots abroad while the masses suffer. The young, creative and enterprising people of Nigeria have become notorious worldwide for fraud because their government destroyed their chances of living decent and honest lives.
Government headed by a cold and brutal dictator
Nigerians are tired of being led by an ex-military dictator who failed to end Boko Haram insurgency, but instead unleashes terror on innocent people. In 2020, the whole world watched in shock as the government carried out a brutal bloody crackdown on innocent unarmed protesters that were demanding an end to brutality by security forces against them.
Government run by money-laundering kleptomaniacs
Nigeria is governed by the most corrupt political elite in the world who have proven to be accountable to no one and who have stolen the funds at all levels, meant for the development of the nation. They have turned a rich nation into one with extreme poverty. They obtain international loans for their personal enrichment.
Government based on injustice
Having destroyed federalism as was foreseen in the founding constitution, Nigerian government dominated by the northern elites exploits the natural resources of the south while taking all the benefits to the north. The oil-producing regions are the most neglected. The ecological damage is practically irreversible while developments continue in the north.
Government unable and unwilling to protect the people
The nomadic Fulani herdsmen have invaded the once-peaceful middle-belt and southern parts of Nigeria and taken over farms and settlements. They are kidnapping, killing the locals, raping women, committing unspeakable atrocities and destroying livelihood of the people. And, they are doing these with the blessing and support of the president who has failed to condemn the atrocities.
Government that failed to learn from history
The devastating Biafran war of the 1960s pitted Biafra, (Eastern Nigeria) against the rest of the country. This time, it is all the other nations and ethnicities of Nigeria against the Fulanis who have oppressed, exploited and terrorised them. The question is, will the world witness a messy parting of way, or help negotiate a peaceful dissolution of the unworkable union?
Government that has driven its people to the wall
The United States rightly designated Nigeria as a state sponsor of terrorism. Nigerian government heavily funds a Fulani terrorist group - the Miyetti Allah which has devastated lives and livelihood of many people across the nation. The situation got so bad that some villagers in the south-west escaped with their lives into neighbouring Benin Republic.
One might be forgiven for finding the situation in Nigeria highlighted above unbelievable in the 21st century. One might ask how it has all come to this.
Sadly, that is the one question to which many Nigerians themselves are having difficulties finding answers to.
Today, other than the political elites, people are angry. Trouble is brewing. The country is sitting on a keg of explosives. If the world turns its face away, it will not be a question of if, but of when Nigeria will implode. The reality is that Nigeria can no longer stay together as one. Trust has been damaged too badly that a united country is no longer possible. The world needs to come to terms with that fact.
The question is whether the separation which is a question of when and not if, will happen peacefully or in chaos.