Notable Leaders
Leaders - Past & Present

Leaders for sale!
Once upon a time, some of the biggest assets that the Yorubas had were their leaders. Those were the days when there were energetic and fearless leaders with integrity and foresight. Some sacrificed their lives, others, their freedom and went to jail in refusing to sell their own people.
It is no secret that today, Yoruba leaders, from traditional rulers to state governors, from senators to council members and to the few that have any influence in the armed forces are, (with an incredibly tiny exception,) sold and fully bought.
Their lack of honesty, leadership and integrity have been exploited by various interests within and outside the homeland to the detriment of the larger population. These are politicians that put their political ambitions above the interest of their people. These are fully bought Obas and traditional rulers with no shame or integrity, who watch as their own people are humiliated.
The key message to these leaders and elders is that, the Yoruba people will be liberated. It is important for them to know that the more the obstacles they put in the way, the more determined are those who are fighting for their freedom. The sun will surely shine again.
While we lament that Yoruba leaders and elders have visibly lost the plot, we are consoled in knowing that all is not lost. Today, the Yorubas still have some men and women of integrity. Heroes with courage. People who have not sold out their souls. People who have not put their political ambitions above the common good of the Yoruba race. Leaders that have remained incorruptible. People with vision. People who will be remembered very kindly by history. We proudly celebrate some of such persons here