Study Methodology
Key dates
The study was conceived in September 2021.
Preparatory work is currently ongoing and should end in October 2021.
The study is expected to start in earnest in December with the finalising of the study parameters and the assigning of tasks to study team members.
The first set of results are expected in the course of the first quarter of 2022.
Our main objective
The ODUAIR study is one of ORG’s contributions to the preparation for the Yoruba Nation. A national airline/carrier is one of the important and visible blocks in building a national identity.
The main objective of the study is to provide policy-makers of the Yoruba Nation the vital information that they would need if and when they do consider it expedient to launch such a venture.
About the methodologies
ODUAIR project is a feasibility study. It will look at every aspect of, and implications for setting up a new airline within the context of a new nation. Aspects to be considered will include the Macro-External Environment. This will include Political, Economic, Commercial, Social, Technology, Legal/Government Legislation, and Environmental.
The study will also look at Micro External Environment mostly focused on feasibility as a commercial venture within a very competitive business environment.
The study will do a SWOT analysis investigating both internal and external factors
A 3C modelling analysis will be conducted.
Relevant data will be obtained from the players and agencies in the aviation industry to enable the study team to perform statistical analysis including critical paths for scenario building.
Coverage of study
The design of the study is made in a way that would enable us to provide answers to questions that we consider most pertinent at the first instance. The study report will be structured in a way designed to provide answers to questions which we consider most pertinent. These would include:
- What would be the political and legal environment under which such airline would function?
- Who might be the appropriate equity participants of the airline?
- What is the best overall framework under which the airline might operate?
- Where might the airline be headquartered?
- Who might be the best technical partners?
- Who might be the best commercial partners?
- In terms of its operations, what might be the best routes for the airline both in the short, medium and long term?
- What would be the strength of, and threats to such an airline?
What would be its opportunities and weaknesses? - When might be the best time for the airline to launch?
- What might be the best marketing strategy for such airline?
- What market mix might work best for the airline in terms of the 7Ps – People, Process, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Physical existence?
The report should serve as the reference point for future actions on any future Yoruba Nation airlines.