Project Page
PAIN – Poverty And Inequality in Nigeria aims to assess the level of poverty in Nigeria, how this came about and what have been the key factors contributing to inequality – and how these have affected the Nigerian state.

In its study report, OXFAM wrote that “Poverty and inequality in Nigeria are not due to a lack of resources, but to the ill-use, misallocation and misappropriation of such resources. At the root is a culture of corruption combined with a political elite out of touch with the daily struggles of average Nigerians.”
There are a couple of other studies that have explored corruption, extreme poverty and other related issues in Nigeria.
None of these studies have gone further into assess the consequences. None had dug deep into assessing how these vices combined with others such as nepotism, dictatorship, tribalism, brutality with impunity and the sheer disregard for human rights have impacted on, and destroyed the fabrics of the nation beyond repairs.
The PAIN Project is designed to explore these.
The project is presently at the planning and conceptualisation stage. We would like to hear from you if you could contribute to it in any form.