Our Studies
Project List
We are researching for the coming generations

In October 2021, the Nigerian government launched a digital currency eNaira. We have conducted an in-depth review of this project. Before you sign up for it, please read the review.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our studies page. We have several ongoing studies on topics of great importance to our cause. The studies aim to shed light on where we are coming from, where we are today, and where we would like to go.
Three of our studies in their different stages of execution are highlighted here. There are five other studies which are currently in the pipeline and which will be announced on these page in the near future.
I would thus invite you to keep a watch on this space.
A study on the reasons why so much of Nigeria's valuable human capital would like to flee to other countries, thereby exacerbating the nation's brain drain. The project also looks at the profiles of who wants to leave and where they wish to go.
- Type: Sample-based survey
- Conception/Design: March 2021
- Preparatory work: April 2021
- Launch date: May 2021
- Completion: October 2021
- Status: Recently completed
- Report status: Published
- Accessibility: Public
A study that aims to measure the level of support for an independent Yoruba homeland. In the absence of a referendum, and with so much speculations and debate on how much support there is, the study is the first analytical scientific polling on this subject.
- Type: Sample-based survey
- Conception/Design: May 2021
- Preparatory work: July 2021
- Launch date: September 2021
- Completion: January 2022
- Status: Work-in-progress
- Report status: Not available
- Accessibility: Public
P.A.I.N. - Poverty And Inequality in Nigeria is an in-depth study on how the situation of desperation was created for the masses while the political elites carved out a different class of privileged for themselves. It looks at the disintegration of Nigeria as a nation.
- Type: Desk-research
- Conception/Design: July 2021
- Preparatory work: October 2021
- Launch date: November 2021
- Completion: January 2022
- Status: Preliminary stage
- Report status: Not available
- Accessibility: Restricted
A feasibility study on establishing a national carrier for a future Yoruba nation. It is intended as a robust and comprehensive look into all the aspects – including political, social and economic implications of such an endeavour. The study report should serve as the basis for future actions on this.
- Type: Feasibility study
- Conception/Design: September 2021
- Preparatory work: Ongoing
- Launch date: December 2021
- Completion: Q2-2022
- Status: Work-in-progress
- Report status: Not available
- Accessibility: Restricted
The Yorubas as part of the present-day Nigeria are deeply religious people. Religion has played a rather disproportionate role in the fabrics of the society: in social, economic and political terms. This study aims to assess the real extent of this impact and what it would mean for the future Yoruba nation.
- Type: Desk-research
- Conception/Design: April 2021
- Preparatory work: September 2021
- Launch date: November 2021
- Completion: February 2022
- Status: Preliminary stage
- Report status: Not available
- Accessibility: Public
It is no secret that the incredibly atrocious looting by practically all Nigerian leaders was what finally brought the nation to its knees. This study aims to quantify the depth and breadth of the problem and its true impact. More important, it aims to identify possible scenarios of this societal cancer for the Yoruba nation.
- Type: Desk-research
- Conception/Design: April 2021
- Preparatory work: August 2021
- Launch date: November 2021
- Completion: Quarter1 2022
- Status: Preliminary stage
- Report status: Not available
- Accessibility: Public
This is our special Call-To-You to be a part of ORG research team. All it takes are, some knowledge in your own field or discipline, some intelligence, and more than anything else, the interest in working towards a better future for the Yoruba people.
Yes, You Too Can Help!
If you have ever thought of contributing something positive to advancing the cause of the struggle for a better tomorrow, this call is to you. Together, we are a force for good, and unstoppable.