Yoruba Youths
Dear young Yoruba men and women.

On behalf of the Yoruba elders, the Odua Research Group would like to say sorry to all the young Yoruba men and women. The elders have caused a lot of damage and destroyed what would have been a great homeland for you. Through their selfishness and betrayal, they have sold their souls and your future to slave masters.
But today, you should be proud of yourself for finally standing up to tell these elders that enough is enough. You should be proud of yourself for what you are doing to liberate your nation from the bondage that the older generations of Yoruba leaders have placed you under. It is a sad situation that those elders, through their selfishness, greed and lack of morals, betrayed the whole Yoruba race, selling themselves and your future so cheaply. It is sad that through their lack of foresight, the leaders, even with their education, sold their conscience and the future of their unborn children to a mostly uneducated minority nomad tribe.

History cannot and will not remember them kindly. History will never forgive them for their treachery.
One of the biggest achievement so far is that everyone now knows, and people now talk about the issue. It has now become clear that there is nowhere to hide. The leaders are now being made to stand up and show their true colours. The time to play games is over.
The youths now know the source of the problems that they face.
They now know that the lack of development in Yorubaland is a direct result of lack of honest leadership. They know why the educational system and the infrastructure that was already in place even by the time that Nigeria gained independence have now been totally destroyed.

The young people now realise the reason why after successfully completing their education, they are unable to find gainful employments. Now, they know why so many among them have been driven to illegal activities as the alternative means to survive. They now realise why the healthcare system is primitive, and why infrastructure such as electricity supply, decent motorable roads, pipe borne water which are all basic amenities in civilised societies are non-existent.
The Yoruba youths have now realised that even with all the talks of insecurity and Fulani dominance, the true common enemies of the Yoruba people are the Yoruba leaders themselves. They are the reason for the lack of safety and guaranty to lives and properties in Yorubaland. They are the reason for the murders, the wanton destruction to properties and livelihood of hardworking Yoruba people. They are the reason for the kidnapping and raping of innocent people and other atrocities witnessed in Yorubaland. All these problems have been made possible because of the complicity of the Yoruba leaders, especially the politicians, the State governors and the traditional rulers.
Having lost credibility, the only weapon the leaders now have is to scare everyone. They are now scare mongering. They claim that the demand for liberation will lead to war. In order to discourage the people, the corrupt leaders including the criminal politicians who have benefited from the chaos are now singing the song of war. They are singing about Rwanda and Sudan. They are singing about Somalia and Ethiopia. They are singing about Yugoslavia and the Nigerian civil war.
They are only focused on violence and war because these are the only things that they understand. These are the tools they have used to enslave their people. To them separation only happens by going to war. They will not tell the people about how the Soviet Union broke up into different independent nations, nor will they mention how Czechoslovakia broke up into the Czech and Slovak republics. They will not mention how the UK left the European Union nor about how independence processes are being handled in Scotland with no one talking about military confrontations.
They fail to realise that in the 21st century, the most effective way to resolve issues of this nature is through dialogue. The Yoruba nation does not plan to engage in violence. It will instead, go to the international communities and present its case showing why self-determination has become the only option left for them.
In arguing against independence, some educated, but apparently with doubtful level of intelligence, claim that one does not cut off the head because of a headache. Of course, the head they are talking about is their source of ill-gotten wealth of stolen public funds. To them, just because their people are being disenfranchised, killed, raped, terrorised, chased out of their properties should not be enough reason to seek independence.
One of the things that the do-nothing leaders fail to understand is that Nigeria is already at war with itself. And they, along with their Fulani rulers are indeed the enemies that the people are having to fight.
Yes, to them, the problems that the Yoruba people face in Nigeria amount to just a headache. A headache which, they seem to forget has lasted 61 long years. A headache to which they are unable to prescribe a solution. They of course fail to understand that the situation that Nigeria is in today is not that of a headache, it is of a terminal cancer – and each of them is the cancerous cell in the tumours. Because other than separation nothing else will solve the problem.
Young kids singing the Yoruba nation (Oodua Republic’s) national anthem.
To the young people and the oppressed masses, getting to this point is already a big achievement. Putting the spotlight on the selfishness and cruelty of so many of the Yoruba leaders and the barbaric tyranny of the Fulanis is a big step forward. They took the people for granted while committing crimes with impunity. Exposing them has meant that they no longer have anywhere to hide.
But note that the battle is by no means won yet. Yes, we are on the way to victory, but you are not there yet. There is still work to do. This is not the time to slow down. This is not the time to give up. This is the time to do more.
To every educated young person reading this, there are hundreds of others who either cannot read, or do not have access to the basic facilities to be able to do so, and would therefore not see this message. We task you to communicate this message to them. Spread the words. If each one of you communicates this message to ten others, you will get the info to enough young people to fully expose and turn the table against the true enemies of the Yoruba people.
Dear Yoruba Patriots,
It is obvious that the enemies of our people including the criminal leaders, completely misjudged your mood. They have lost touch with reality. That was why some of them claimed that the struggle for self-determination is simply a social-media affair. They are now coming round to realise that this is for real. They now know that they are no longer in control of the situation. The only weapon left to them is scare mongering. It is not working. The train has indeed left the station, and none of them is in a position to stop it.